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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 6:46 AM
  • Is BombSquad available on PC?
    • Yes! you can find BombSquad for all the supported platforms on the builds page, Note that the "Test Builds" are missing some features (Google Play Games login, etc.) and have some extra things added to them for debugging purposes, official releases only go out to the app stores (Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, etc.) and will not be placed on the builds page.
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 6:54 AM
  • Where can I get the official releases for PC then?
    • The game is available on the Mac App Store, however Windows and Linux have to wait until BombSquad 2.0 where the game will release on Steam.
6:57 AM
  • Will there ever be an iOS version?
    • Yes! Alongside with releasing on Steam, the game will also hit the App Store once BombSquad 2.0 is released.
6:58 AM
  • What about other platforms?
    • There are currently no real plans for other platforms or consoles. This is partially because we're still far from 2.0.
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 7:08 AM
  • Why don't my mods work when I'm hosting a private party?
    • This is because the Private Party feature in the game uses remote servers for making a party for you and your friends, you're only requesting a party to be made for you somewhere else in the world, it would be extremely dangerous to allow mods by users to be run on the game's remote servers.
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 7:20 AM
  • How can I host a public party/server?
    • Long story short, you need to either do port forwarding (recommended for temporary parties; requires a WiFi router and a bit of technical knowledge) or rent a Virtual Private Server (recommended for running servers that are almost always running; requires money and an average technical knowledge/familiarity with command lines and terminals)
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 7:34 AM
  • How can I get BombSquad Pro?
    • You can buy it from the in-game shop through the Google Play Store and the Mac App Store
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 7:42 AM
  • Then how can I get it using a PC/test build?
    • You can use your BombSquad account on a build from the Google Play Store or the Mac App Store to purchase things or use another account and later link it to your current account (not recommended since v2 accounts no longer support v1 linking); however if you don't have access to the mentioned storefronts, or you're unable to make in-app purchases from your country, you can ask @efro [GMT -7] about the price, then go to, there is a "Support My Code Habit" section on there, you can send the amount Eric requested for BombSquad Pro (or any other purchases) and then let Eric know you sent the money, he will later tell you how to activate your purchase.
The stuff of Eric Froemling
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/24/2023 8:06 AM
  • What's the roadmap? Why do people keep telling me to read it?
    • It's because the roadmap is a page with all the current plans for BombSquad/Ballistica. If people tell you to read it, then you're probably requesting something that's already there.
The BombSquad Game Engine. Contribute to efroemling/ballistica development by creating an account on GitHub.
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 12/1/2023 1:39 PM

How do I install plugins/mods in bombsquad?

There are 2 ways to install plugins

  • Using workspaces(recommended)
  • Create a workspace and upload you plugins to the workspace
  • Goto workspaces and select the workspace you just created in the drop-down under Workspace syncing
  • Restart the game
  • Installing locally(requires apps with special permission on Android 11+)
  • In bombsquad, click on settings>advance>show mods folder
  • Paste your plugins to the location shown in the screenmessage
  • Restart the game
Temp [GMT -6] 1/19/2024 2:12 PM

Where should I go to start modding?

  • If you want to make powerups, minigames, interfaces, play around with the python layer, which is the one that the game already comes with, fully exposed on PC, and easy to access on Android.
  • If you want to modify more in-depth stuff like physics, rendering and very select menu elements, check out how to clone and modify the source code (C++ required though).
    • Either one you choose, you'll preferably need an IDE to work with the code (I suggest Visual Studio Code), and to work with the python layer, you just need to go to the ba_data folder that comes with the game and delete all the compiled python files (.pyc) so the game can read any modifications you make. Alternatively, you can launch the game, open the developer console and type from babase import modutils; modutils.create_user_system_scripts() to generate the game scripts outside of it's root directory. You can use this method in android, though you might want to go look at if you can't access the created files.
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